
3-4 years of age

Wow!  Where has the time gone?  Your child has achieved so much already and now it is time for formal learning to begin!  Your child has been developing so many skills and they will be using all of them while in preschool.

The children are learning to socialize with their friends, as well as taking turns and following directions.  The children participate in large group, small group and individual activities to enhance growth and development in all learning aspects. The children will expand on letter introduction. They learn that each letter has its own sound and shape. The curriculum consists of weekly themes that involve a letter of the alphabet, season, or holiday that incorporates the Ohio Early Learning Content Standards. The Ohio Early Learning Content Standards establish what the Department of Education says a child should know on their first day of Kindergarten.

The children are introduced to mathematics. They will learn about numbers, one to one correspondence, counting and comparing. The children’s fine motor skills are reinforced by art projects, sensory tables, puzzles, computer play and games. The children will begin using a tripod pencil grasp, cutting with scissors, manipulating many everyday materials to master self help skills (zipping coats, buttoning pants, putting on hat and gloves, etc.).

Informal assessments will be performed throughout the school year to aid teachers. This also helps the teachers to maintain an age appropriate curriculum that is appropriate for all of the children or to aid parents if there is a concern.

It is a fun and exciting year!